Foreign Control of Philippine Communications

Foreign Control of Philippine Communications

Let's Just Take All the Islands

President McKinley single handedly changed America's future in ways few Americans or Filipinos could have imagined.

One could easily conclude that McKinley used his own religious fervor to justify Manifest Destiny, and to establish the United States as just another colonial power trying to take over the planet in a name of a Protestant God.

And why not? Hadn't Europe done the same under Catholic approval?

Why Must the US Bureacracy be so Tedious?

The United States State Department is often the first contact Philippinos have with America.

Sadly, it is often an arbitrary, frustrating, immoral, and messy disorganized affair requiring numerous expensive and unnecessary hoops.

The US State Department definitely favors rich people over poor people that would enhance American services in a time where native born Americans don't want to do the service jobs.

To top it off, they steal American and Philippine money to facilitate the process.

In a time where China wants to displace the United States as the Philippines best friend, it's a bad time for the State Department to become its own worst enemy. It hurts both the United States and the Philippines and ends up benefitting China.

Travel from the Philippines to America and back again, should be as easy as going from the US States of California to Oregon or Nevada, or from Manila to Camiguin. Stop the political nonsense.

President Duterté is against legal divorce

It's very, very sad that the Philippines is the last country on earth where divorce is illegal. It's mainly held up by one man against all logic, and apparently, not out of any love of his people. His policy disrupts the lives of everyone and hurts the Philippine people and the whole economy of the country.

People will do what they do despite arcane laws. The work around means paying thousands of US dollars to bureaucrats and attorneys to facilitate annulments. It's ridiculous and makes Duterté look very, very foolish and hypocritical.

Trump Against the World

Unless you are on the take from China, why would you limit US immigration from the Philippines?

After all, when we promised the Philippines their independence from Spain, and then broke that promise, using a moral compass, you might say we owed them a lot for their help to rid the islands of the mutual Spanish enemy.

Instead, the Philippines became a US territory, and moving between the 7600 plus islands and the US was much easier than after Donald Trump took office. He made millions of Filipinos and Philippine Americans very unhappy with his moratorium on immigration.

It was becoming impossible to bring relatives to the United States where millions of hard working 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generations of Filipinos work hard helping Americans in millions of service industry, nursing, medical and other fields where their efforts are critical to US prosperity.

The bond between the Philippines and United States must be improved before China drives a bigger wedge between us.

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