Why Must the US Bureacracy be so Tedious?

The United States State Department is often the first contact Philippinos have with America.

Sadly, it is often an arbitrary, frustrating, immoral, and messy disorganized affair requiring numerous expensive and unnecessary hoops.

The US State Department definitely favors rich people over poor people that would enhance American services in a time where native born Americans don't want to do the service jobs.

To top it off, they steal American and Philippine money to facilitate the process.

In a time where China wants to displace the United States as the Philippines best friend, it's a bad time for the State Department to become its own worst enemy. It hurts both the United States and the Philippines and ends up benefitting China.

Travel from the Philippines to America and back again, should be as easy as going from the US States of California to Oregon or Nevada, or from Manila to Camiguin. Stop the political nonsense.

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